Career Misfit
The career misfit is perennially in the wrong place at the wrong time.
When they are young and relatively enthusiastic, they still possess an unshakable sense of rebelliousness and aversion to authority. In the grey midst of the corporate world they will see themselves as a shining beacon of defiance, holding out against the forces trying to mold them into a yet another drone.
Oh yes, they are going to stick it to the man! Although not to the extent that the man might invoke the sanction of salary removal.
As time goes on, having spent years walking the knife-edge of peak anxiety, the career misfit will gradually be ground down and allow the semblance of conformity to form a light crust over their still molten rage at not being recognized for their self-evident talent. The cracks in the crust are still noticeable enough to signal danger to anyone who might come too close to recognizing the misfit's potential.
Eventually the corporate old guard will succumb to the machinations of the next generation and new upper echelon of bright new things will emerge from the boardroom.
A rare glimmer of hope briefly lightens the misfits mood as he sees the new maverick high flyers as potential kindred spirits. Sadly, from their perspective, the misfit is now an inflexible, institutionalized drone and not a likely resident of the new bean-bag-filled, hipster-twitterati-occupied smugoverse. Wrong place, wrong time once again...